RA-05 Vulnerability Scanning
Control: The organization scans for vulnerabilities in the information system [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] or when significant new vulnerabilities potentially affecting the system are identified and reported.
Supplemental Guidance: Vulnerability scanning is conducted using appropriate scanning tools and techniques. The organization trains selected personnel in the use and maintenance of vulnerability scanning tools and techniques. Vulnerability scans are scheduled and/or random in accordance with organizational policy and assessment of risk. The information obtained from the vulnerability scanning process is freely shared with appropriate personnel throughout the organization to help eliminate similar vulnerabilities in other information systems. Vulnerability analysis for custom software and applications may require additional, more specialized approaches (e.g., vulnerability scanning tools for applications, source code reviews, static analysis of source code). NIST Special Publication 800-42 provides guidance on network security testing. NIST Special Publication 800-40 (Version 2) provides guidance on patch and vulnerability management.
Control Enhancements:
(1) The organization employs vulnerability scanning tools that include the capability to readily update the list of information system vulnerabilities scanned.
(2) The organization updates the list of information system vulnerabilities scanned [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] or when significant new vulnerabilities are identified and reported.
(3) The organization employs vulnerability scanning procedures that can demonstrate the breadth and depth of scan coverage, including vulnerabilities checked and information system components scanned.
Baseline: LOW Not Selected MOD RA-5 HIGH RA-5 (1) (2)
Family: Risk Assessment
Class: Management
ISO 17799 mapping: 12.6.1
COBIT 4.1 mapping: PO9.3, DS5.5
PCI-DSS v2 mapping: 11.1, 11.2, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.3